Há tempos frequento blog Rdekko (clique aqui e veja a versão traduzida para o português), da grega Eva Topalidou.
O endereço é uma delícia, sempre tem imagens diferentes e lindas.
Vale conhecer o olhar da blogueira, que além de viver em um país maravilhoso, tem um gosto apuradíssimo.
Tanto é que quando conheci sua casa fiquei apaixonada, um lugar diferente, descolado e bem alegre.
Foi aí que tive a idéia de convidar a Eva para fazer seu Open House no blog.
Então, aqui vai:
this house is one apartment now but used to be two. That's why the corridor exists. As for the decor, you know if you're in this business that you always have the solution for the others, but for your home everything changes everyday.
I wanted to have a plain space in order to keep inside many items that I simply adore. I can't live without objects. I even have a "kitsch items collection". I keep things during the years.
The papers on the wall are free cards - most of them - that you can find in any coffee store and i collect them. I just used "blue tag" to mount them on the wall.
The objects on the con the wall are all lovelies, books, the deer head from etsy, the mondrian poster, an old frame of my grandmother and a personal photo from Africa.
On my dining table you can see at least 10 candleholders, just opposite of the Thomas Paul plates. Another think that i keep for years are my first pair of ski. Since i don't use them anymore i mounted them on the wall.
The kitchen has an island turned towards the view. The cabinet are wenge wood with corian countertop. I collect items on my countertop too.
As for the bathroom i chose to keep it in concrete and i just used stencil to write my bain recipie and i decoupaged the King Elvis of Andy Warhol on the wall.
My floor is concrete with epoxy paint.
I simply love to keep many individual items and i dream that one day i will have a whole space for them.
Hope you also enjoy my apartment view of Piraeus port that turns all red in sunset time.
Ps: Of course i keep calling my friends form the local phone i bought from Pedlars.
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